Monthly Archives: February 2020

  1. Hello Downtown – An Inside Look at Rocket Industrial’s New Digs Hello Downtown – An Inside Look at Rocket Industrial’s New Digs

    Hello Downtown – An Inside Look at Rocket Industrial’s New Digs

    We've moved! Learn about Rocket Industrial's new headquarters in downtown Wausau. Formerly utilized as a showroom and offices for the iconic shoe company Nike, we adapted the space to our needs while keeping its integrity.

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  2. Why is a Pizza Box Square? Why is a Pizza Box Square?

    Why is a Pizza Box Square?

    We have worked with many frozen pizza makers, pizzerias and restaurants that make some top-notch pies that have ‘stolen a pizza our hearts’. It’s also led us to be asked the most burning pizza packaging question of all time: Why is a pizza box square when a pizza is round?

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