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There are 85 robots in total located across the event's venues. Each robot has a carefully managed schedule and always has a human observer nearby in case something unpredictable happens.
Cleaning robots – Floor cleaning bots created by LG roam the halls of high-traffic areas. These robots are equipped with brushes and able to pick up trash along routes that they learn to navigate on their own.
Guides – Robot guides are located at the airport to help visitors find their way around, offer game schedules, and tips. These robots are able to speak English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
Drink servers – Server robots have replaced human workers to distribute refreshments to reporters and athletes. These robots are designed to offer water every hour for 15 minute intervals.
This little robot comes by every hour to see if people want water at #PyeongchangOlympics2018
— Bill Chappell (@publicbill) February 18, 2018
Skiers – The first event of its kind featured eight humanoid robots built by local universities and technology firms. These bots were loaded with sensors to help them make turns and control their own speed. Many struggled due to the extremely low temperatures, but it was still quite the sight to see. Watch the video here.
Fish – Robotic, realistic-looking Koi fish have taken home in tanks at the media center and main facilities. These fish have the ability to swim down to 15 feet, mesmerizing fans and showing off how far waterproof technology has come.
Automation solutions come in all sizes, from removing a single touch point in your packaging process to implementing a complete robotic operation. Rocket Industrial excels in recommending the solutions that fit your business’s needs. Contact our engineering team to get started.